Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

August 12, 2010

Blog Love For Susie's scrapativities and freebies

I wanted to let everyone know of this lovely blog I stumbled upon a couple weeks ago or so: Susie's scrapactivities and freebies.  Susie is generous, thoughtful and kind.  The blog is a treasure trove of free digital goodness!  All she asks in return is some love in the form of comments.  Please go over and comment on this post.  Every comment means she will provide another freebie (and who doesn't appreciate nice comments?).  Also, anyone interested in ATC's should be thrilled with all the ATC items she has created.

Thanks for calling at the Hall!

February 4, 2010

Inspiration: Love of the Letter

Because I believe this post is so beautiful and inspirational, I thought I would share it with you all (plus this is an awesome site all the time).  {Click here} 

Perhaps why I love cards so much is my enduring fascination and adoration of correspondence.  I love the imagery and the meaning behind it.  I love the scrawl of a handwritten note or letter.  I will look at handwriting backwards against the light like some do a painting, marveling at the swoops, swirls and angles.  Valentine's Day may be the one time that most promotes the arcane use of pen and paper. 

If you have the chance or the inclination get out your supplies and make some handmade cards or notes because I know I am not the only one who is thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift.


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