Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

February 5, 2013

Papertrey Ink's 6th Anniversary: Design Team Inspiration

Dear Reader,

I have a soft spot in my heart for Papertrey Ink.  I stumbled upon the company sometime in 2008 I believe and have been a fan ever since.  I love how cleverly designed and thoughtfully crafted their products are.  I have spoken of them so often I receive gift certificates from them for birthdays (thank you to my sister for this year's birthday gift which is just in time for their anniversary release) and Valentine's Day (no flowers, chocolate or diamonds for me...give me craft supplies thank you very much!) .  From February 5th - February 15th they are celebrating 6 years.

Their first day of festivities focused upon the their design team.  I also find their design team to be well...stellar.  I think I have mentioned Betsy Veldman at least once as well as Maile Belles, but each member really puts a lot of heart and talent into their creations month after month.  For more information about today's celebrations check HERE.

I decided to pick this project from Jessica Witty as my inspiration:

I love the pops of color against the strong black and white graphic design with a touch of ombre, gold and typography for a trendy and classy card.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery then I hope Jessica Witty is very flattered by this card:

There is very little I altered from her card because it is perfect as is. I changed up the colors to fit this time of year, added gold hearts instead of a button for the recipient who loves hearts, changed out the sentiments for a thank you card and used Polka Dot Basics II instead of the Backgrounds Basics: Herringbone simply because I don't have the herringbone stamp. Still, I really like this card because it reminds me so much of Jessica Witty's.

Another view of the card:

And a close up:

Many thanks to Jessica Witty for her inspiring card and for the whole Papertrey Ink's Design Team!

Happy creating,

Many Thanks Card
Stamps: Polka Dot Basics II, Heart Prints, Fillable Frames #1, Mat Stack 1 Collection and Round & Round (limited edition), Papertrey Ink
Ink: Versamark and onyx black VersaFine, Tsukineko
Cardstock: aqua mist, hibiscus burst, raspberry fizz and pure poppy, Papertrey Ink; white, Georgia Pacific; gold cardstock, stash
Other: detail metallic gold embossing powder, JudiKins; aqua mist button, Papertrey Ink; black button, Bizzy Buttons; white embroidery floss, DMC; Heart Prints Die Collection, Papertrey Ink; Cuttlebug, Provo Craft; dimensional adhesive, Stampin' Up!

June 29, 2010

Shop Talk: A Strenuous Recommendation

I can't believe June is nearly over and I haven't posted since early May.  I have some half written posts that are at various stages, but they aren't complete obviously.  I feel I must rectify this by at least posting once.

Where have I been you may (or probably not) ask.  I have been sucked into technology actually.  I recently have been keeping up with all those digital scrapbook sites, looking into online classes and listening to the ever amusing and interesting Paperclipping podcasts.  Anyone listen to these?  What do you think?  I find them to be wonderful and I am listening to them all the time right I brush my teeth (seriously), go to sleep, etc.  I love shop talk.  I have a couple of friends that I talk with about art and all things related and we can talk until the end of days and still have more to chat about.  We discuss stamps, paper, paint, companies, artists, digital design, classes, new products, old products, how evil Martha Stewart is (she is I swear to always find ways to make me covet her products), Tim Holtz, scrapbooking, websites, blogs, time, organization, projects here and there, kit companies, and on and on.  So listening to the Paperclipping Roundtable and Paperclipping Digi Show is like ambrosia (as in food of the art and crafting gods) to me. 

The all important links:
Paperclipping Roundtable (available on iTunes FREE)
Paperclipping Digi Show (available on iTunes FREE)

They also offer a membership for their copious amount of video tutorials (very well done from the clips I have seen).  I plan on joining at some point because Noell and Izzy Hyman (the couple behind Paperclipping) deserve the support.

If you haven't already discovered these shows, GO.  It is catnip for scrapbookers, memory artists or anyone interested in listening to various subjects regarding creating, organization, process, design, the industry, photography, digital scrapbooking, etc.

February 4, 2010

Inspiration: Love of the Letter

Because I believe this post is so beautiful and inspirational, I thought I would share it with you all (plus this is an awesome site all the time).  {Click here} 

Perhaps why I love cards so much is my enduring fascination and adoration of correspondence.  I love the imagery and the meaning behind it.  I love the scrawl of a handwritten note or letter.  I will look at handwriting backwards against the light like some do a painting, marveling at the swoops, swirls and angles.  Valentine's Day may be the one time that most promotes the arcane use of pen and paper. 

If you have the chance or the inclination get out your supplies and make some handmade cards or notes because I know I am not the only one who is thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift.


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