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Showing posts with label list. Show all posts

August 31, 2012

Today's Wonders

Dear Reader,

I haven't anything to show you at the moment.  Rather I thought I would take the opportunity to list Today's Wonders or The Goods for today as too often I find myself dwelling on what isn't good.

In no particular order:

1. Texting.  I find texting a convenient way to communicate.  I will be the first to admit I was wrong about it (as I fought using it for years).  Speaking of texting, I still don't abbreviate overly just goes too much against who I am.
2. Job.  First, I have one which is something to be grateful for.  My job affords me a lot of flexibility, freedom and little emotional burden.
3. Dogs.  This could undoubtedly be on my list every single day.  My dogs bring me an immense amount of joy because they are so happy and entertaining.  A lot of what I do revolves around them, but the brightness and routine they give me is well worth how silly I am about them.
4. Family.  My family are so much a given in my life, I often overlook them...I am pretty lucky.  They won't always be around so it is best to spend what time I have with them remembering how lucky I am.
5. Friends.  Today I am thankful for friends for their kindness and generosity of spirit.
6. Imagination.  Every Thanksgiving when we mention what we are most thankful for, imagination is on my list.  Without imagination, there would be no fiction, no art, no invention, no creativity and that would mean the color would be leeched out of my life in particular and I think the world in general.   When all else is going wrong in the world there is still the vast marvels of the imagination.

I hope your weekend is full of wonders,



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