Showing posts with label sneaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sneaks. Show all posts

April 4, 2013

Rainbow Bright Stripes

Happy Thursday!  Only a little bit until the weekend!  

I am on a rainbow kick.  Perhaps it is do to watching too many a child because obviously what mature adult watches "The Kids Next Door" on Netflix while working on rainbow and striped cards?  It could not be way.  Okay, you got me.  It's me.  I still relish enjoy cartoons.  

Whatever the reason, I had a lot of fun using the Lines Border stamp set from Paper Wings Productions and my rainbow color palette to create cards that are featured on The Aviary today.

Want a sneak?  Here it is:

To see all the rainbow glory go HERE.

See you tomorrow for April's Paper Wings Productions Blog's going to be rad!

Happy creating,

October 5, 2012

Coming Soon...

Dear Reader,

My handwriting and some of my doodles will soon be available in stamp form over at Paper Wings Productions.  Along with these stamps, are several awesome stamps by my friends, JulieLizhandmade by Lissie girl and cling stamp sets by Carrie Avery, the owner of and brain behind Paper Wings Productions, that are great for autumn, the upcoming holidays and well beyond.  

Carrie has also been extremely busy working on the updated website and packaging.  For sneaks and more information, check out The Aviary.

Here are bits of a few cards I made with my new stamps with some previously released Paper Wings Productions stamps:

What do you think?  Excited to see more?  Check back here and on The Aviary for more projects and inspiration.

Happy Friday,

February 29, 2012

Introducing postscript press

Dear Reader,

I have been busy making samples for the upcoming Paper Wings Productions website launch (tomorrow March 1st) and I have loved working with designs by people I know.  Sunday was an even more exciting experience: I made samples using stamps I had designed.  I actually did some skipping and a jump into the air.  If I had ever had ballet lessons, I would have done some graceful leaps (as it is I do awkward, silly leaps).  I was over-the-moon- thrilled to be inking up stamps I had ink up my handwritten use the stamps exactly how I had envisioned them to work together.

I decided to design under the name postscript press as I love the art of correspondence, adding those little finishing touches at the end and I feel that correspondence is a way to celebrate, develop and strengthen the connections that make life extraordinary and special. 

For some peeks of my stamps sets check out what is framing (and some of the patterns behind) the focal images.  I hope these stamp sets will help to expand the use of and also emphasis the rest of the Paper Wings Productions stamps or whatever else you dream up.  I will be giving you a run down of the stamp sets upon their release.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Happy creating,

February 23, 2012

What's Brewing?

Dear Reader,

Due to technical difficulties I am only now able to post anything and I am so happy to be back.

I actually have some exciting news to share with you.  My talented friend, Carrie Avery, is getting ready to launch her new company Paper Wings Productions and I am fortunate to be involved. 

I wanted to share with you a couple of sneak peeks of samples I made which showcase the brand new stamps being released. 

This one goes out to all the Texas lovers out there:

You will not want to miss the sneaks another talented friend of mine, Julie Mogford, is sharing on her blog (some of stamp sets she designed!).

If you have any questions, please let me know.   Now that I am able to post, look forward to future sneak posts.

Happy creating,


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